California Corporation Filing Requirements
When owning or running a commercial auto business, you need to deal with Corporation Filing. There are several types of corporation filings and requirements… therefore, the process can be a bit overwhelming. And that’s why San Diego Truck Insurance is here to help you! We can explain the different types and help you understand exactly what you need to do to legally run your business.
It is important to note that each state has its own requirements and laws for corporations. Therefore, you need to understand your state’s regulations and steps before moving forward with the paperwork. So, if you are filing your business in California, you should become familiar with California State Corporation Filing. The first step? Naming your corporation. Your company name cannot be confused with any other existing corporations. That’s why our team at San Diego Truck Insurance can help you! We will search for the availability of your corporation name and reserve the best name for your business.
Next, there are other documents needed to file your business as well. California requires corporations to file Articles of Incorporation. Thus, it generally takes from two weeks to a month for your forms to process. Then, after 90 days of becoming a corporation, you have to file a statement of information.
Can’t decide what type of corporation to file as? Have some questions about the different types of corporation filings?