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Motor Truck Cargo Insurance for Truck Fleets and Owner Operators

Commercial Truck Insurance

Because the purpose of the commercial trucking business is to ship goods, it is important for every company with commercial vehicles to have Cargo Insurance. Commercial trucks need cargo coverage to protect their freight. So, this insurance pays for any damaged or lost cargo in the case of an incident such as a collision, fire, theft, or various other unfortunate incidents.

While it is not always a legal requirement for commercial businesses, it is important to have. Many customers will not ship with companies that do not have cargo coverage. And, since there are many different products shipped with commercial vehicles nowadays, it is essential to have protection. Leaving this to chance and not purchasing Cargo Insurance could mean the loss of your business if an accident occurs.

And, if your commercial vehicles carry any dangerous cargo such as hazmat, liquids, or toxic gas, you’ll need even more specialized coverage for your motor truck.

San Diego Truck Cargo Insurance

San Diego Truck Insurance can help all owner-operators, small trucking businesses, and fleet owners – anyone who needs commercial auto insurance – get the best insurance possible.

There are several types of trucks and trailers you can get cargo protection for! We can service:

  • Dump trucks
  • Semi-trucks
  • Car carriers
  • Cement trucks
  • Cargo vans
  • Flatbeds
  • Box Trucks

…and many more!

San Diego Truck Insurance can provide Cargo Insurance for most types of trailers and freight trucks. However, it is important to note that Cargo coverage is not available for passenger vehicles, or vehicles that carry cargo such as live animals or alcohol. Let us walk you through the process and help you choose the best policy for you and your business.

Contact us at San Diego Truck Insurance today for more information or to receive a free quote!

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