Carrier Identification Number (CA #)
Do you own a trucking company? Or, are you the owner-operator of a truck? Well, to operate a motor carrier in the state of California, you need to meet certain criteria. And, one of the most important things you need when operating a motor carrier? A Carrier Identification Number, also known as a Carrier ID or CA number.
This number is issued by the California Highway Patrol. And, it is used to register for your Motor Carriers Permit. In other words, this number identifies your specific truck. Also, it indicates that your vehicle meets all safety requirements to operate legally on California highways.
Additionally, it is important to note that these identification numbers are in-state carrier numbers and operate solely within California. Also, not all motor carriers who require a Motor Carrier Permit number or CA # need to participate in the Biennial Inspection of Terminals (BIT) Program.
Getting a Carrier ID Number with San Diego Truck Insurance
Establishing your commercial auto business can be difficult. That’s why at San Diego Truck Insurance, we can help set up your business! This way, you won’t have to deal with the any hassle. And, our live agents can walk you through getting a Carrier ID number or any other application process you need help with. Meanwhile, we’ll also make sure to answer any of your questions about insurance or operating requirements.
In summary, with San Diego Truck Insurance, you’re not alone! No matter what type of commercial auto business you have, San Diego Truck Insurance wants to be your partner!