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Driving Tips Ahead of Holiday Traffic

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Stay safe this holiday season!
  • Post category:Blogs

Christmas is one week away with many other holidays trailing not far behind. This means the roads are about to be a lot crazier than usual, making trucking and truck driving all the more difficult. In the last stretch of time ahead of the holidays, here are our top tips to make sure you not only stay safe when on the road but reduce the amount of traffic you come across as well.

Maintain Defensive Driving Skills

With increased traffic and busier roads, accidents become a higher risk. Because of this, it is important to remember the safe driving method of defensive driving. This means keeping a careful eye on the road, the other drivers around you, and just your general surroundings. Be prepared to unexpectedly change speeds, be cut off, have drivers slam their breaks in front of you, etc. Expect drivers around you to not be great drivers so that you can continue to be safe when operating your larger vehicle.

Keep Your Cool Through It All

We know this is easier said than done, but it is important to maintain a calm demeanor when behind the wheel. Sitting in traffic can be incredibly frustrating, but that does not mean you should get too upset. Road rage is a leading cause of distracted driving which is a leading cause of accidents. If you feel yourself getting angry, we suggest pulling over to calm down if you can. If you cannot, we suggest putting on music you enjoy and taking deep breaths.

Plan Ahead

Operating a commercial vehicle does not always mean you can prepare and alter a route or schedule much. However, if you can make adjustments, highly suggest adjusting your route as you can. Look into what areas are expected to be the most effected by traffic and possible road closures and do your best to avoid them.

Look Out For Animals

Different animals come out in the wintertime and can be seen on or around the road more. Your chances of seeing and possibly hitting a deer increase significantly in winter. Not only could this cause severe damage to your vehicle, but then you could possibly have animal harm or death on your hands, and neither is a good scenario to be in. Keep a watchful eye of the road and be alert if an animal suddenly appears in front of you.

Avoid Distractions

Because holiday travel means you have to be extra focused, the most important thing to remember is to avoid distractions. Do not use your cell phone while driving and keep your eyes on the road at all times.

Have a happy and safe holiday season!

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