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Dry Van Trailer Insurance

In the trucking industry, Dry Van Trailers are the most common trailers that Bobtail’s carry.
These enclosed trailers resemble a box on wheels. Dry van trailers, or “box” trailers, transport freight that does not require a temperature-controlled environment. 

Thus, goods are often transported in these dry van trailers when they don’t have any specific transportation requirements. An incident with a dry van trailer can be costly, especially when carrying a large amount of cargo. So, let San Diego Truck Insurance help you find the best insurance plan at a reasonable rate.

What Dry Van Trailer Coverage is right for you?

Finding the right insurance can be tricky. Additionally, the many options and prices can make the process confusing. Let San Diego Truck Insurance help find the right fit for you!

More often than not, a shipping trailer does not belong to the company transporting it. With this, many companies usually require dry van trailer insurance so that their assets are covered in someone else’s care. This is called Trailer Interchange Insurance.  This particular insurance coverage is invaluable in using dry vans to transport goods.

Trailer Interchange Insurance is like Physical Damage Coverage for dry van trailers. It provides insurance for incidents that are out of the driver’s control like, vandalism, theft or fire.  If an incident were to happen like this and the driver did not have insurance, it would be an out-of-pocket cost for the driver. This insurance provides a safety-net for the dry van trailer and the goods it holds.

Our live agents can also help you if you need Cargo Insurance or various other truck insurance types.

So, don’t hesitate and contact us at San Diego Truck Insurance today!

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