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California Garage Keepers Insurance

If you run a business that involves dealing with other people’s vehicles, you might need Garage Keepers Insurance. For example, if you run a business such as a tow truck service or an auto mechanic shop, this applies to you! Your customer’s vehicles are your responsibility for the entire time you have them. And accidents can happen even when you’re not on the road. If an unexpected event occurs to a customer’s car while it is parked or in a garage, garage keepers insurance protects you from paying the costs of damages.

Even though it is not required by California law, having garage keepers insurance helps protect your business – and your wallet. You never know what could happen when a customer’s car is in your possession. You don’t want to run the risk of paying for damages out of pocket!

San Diego Truck Garage Keepers Insurance

If you regularly are in possession of your customers’ cars for extended periods of time, it is wise to get a garage keepers insurance plan. San Diego Truck Insurance can assist you in getting the best possible policy for your company!

Don’t let an unexpected event or accident ruin your entire business. Stay protected with San Diego Truck Insurance and get garage keepers insurance for your business. We will help you get the best rates possible!

Just contact us at San Diego Truck Insurance today for more information or to receive a free quote for Garage Keepers Insurance!

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