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Greenlane is Greenlit With Large Grant

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Truck charging stations can more commonly be seen in Europe, but hopefully soon in the U.S. too with Greenlane's work!
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The South Coast Air Quality Management District awarded the truck refueling specialist company, Greenlane, a $15 million grant. The grant is specifically intended for the company to expedite the construction of their flagship facility in Colton, California. This action is quite significant as the facility is set to be dedicated to the construction of battery-electric truck charging stations. Greenlane, which is headed by Daimler Truck North America, announced the award of the grant just a few days ago on September 9th. When the facility is open and fully operational, Colton will be the home of charging stations for over 60 different trucks of all weight classes, from heavy, to medium, to light! The stations will benefit the new zero-emission vehicles as they roll out.

The facility is located at the intersection of Interstate 215 and Interstate 10.

With the $15 million in grant money, Greenlane will complete the facility. The $15 million is expected to specifically fund the finalization of 41 charging pedestals and 53 connectors. With the South Coast Air Quality Management District awarding the company this grant, they furthered their work towards cleaner air as an air pollution control agency itself. The agency is specifically dedicated to serving select parts of California, particularly Los Angeles. With this coverage area, they serve roughly half of California’s population, as Los Angeles is the state’s most populated area.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District held a groundbreaking with Greenlane this past Monday, September 9.

While South Coast Air Quality Management District specifically covers Southern California, Greenlane has work across the country. Their second largest venture is in Florida with their sister developer NextEra Energy Resources. Greenlane’s goals have remained the same since the company’s inception, to create and establish a network of commercial battery-electric, as well as hydrogen-powered heavy-duty truck refueling and recharging infrastructure. Greenlane hopes to create this network with projects around the United States and Canada.

With the establishment of this charging station in California, truckers who operate electric vehicles will have many more opportunities to drive through California and its neighboring states. This will further entice more drivers and owners to go in an electric direction, as before many were hesitant to transition to theses vehicles due to lack of charging locations.

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