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California Med Pay

Medical Payments Insurance, also known as Med Pay, is another essential insurance for commercial auto vehicles. Accidents involving commercial vehicles, especially large trucks, often result in severe damages. And, it is not just your vehicle that you need to worry about when it comes to accidents. Injuries can result from crashes to drivers and passengers. And while liability insurance covers you if you cause injury to someone else… it doesn’t cover YOU!

So, when injuries occur in your commercial vehicles, you’ll need med pay. While it is not legally required to have med pay in California, it is not worth the risk of not having it! If a bad accident occurs, resulting in large medical bills, it could mean the end of your company. To avoid that, it is best to purchase a med pay plan!

San Diego Truck Med Pay

Our agents at San Diego Truck Insurance can help you figure out the best policy for your company! We will work with you to make sure your policy is the best for your situation and your commercial vehicles.

With the right Med Pay plan, you won’t have to worry about medical bills and loss due to injury and accidents. Our agents will find the best rates for you, ensuring that your commercial auto business can thrive no matter what might happen on the road.

So, contact us at San Diego Truck Insurance today for more information or to receive a free quote for Med Pay!

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